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Friday, December 27, 2013

How to Start Strong and Finish What You've Started

Have you or someone you know ever wished that there was more time in a day?  I have!

My good friend, Psychotherapist & Best-Selling Author Jack A. Daniels, shares some great tips on how to Start Strong and Finish What You've Started!  Check it out and share your thoughts below.

How much time have you wasted?

A friend asked me the other day, "How do you find the time to complete everything you have on your plate?"  I chuckled and told him, "The only way I'm able to maintain my sanity is by taking on one thing at a time and not worrying about the next thing until AFTER I get done with the first one!"  

I used to begin my seminars by asking, "If I gave you $86,400 what would you do with it?"  I'd receive a number of different responses ranging from buying cars, jewelry, paying off credit cards to expensive shopping sprees; none of which were the correct answers I was searching for.  

I'd continue to take hands until someone in the room gave me the correct answer.  "I'd invest it all in the stock market," someone sitting quietly in the back of the room would shyly suggest.  "Exactly, INVEST it, I'd say!"  You see the $86,400 dollars was actually a rhetorical metaphor for time.  There are approximately 86,400 seconds in a day and its imperative you spend or "invest" your time wisely.  If you make yourself conscious about the investment amount given to you on a daily, its easier to strategically view how you can maximize your areas of focus and minimize the nonessentials.

Truthfully, we all have interests, thoughts and ideas we hold high, but more often times than not, we fail ourselves by not taking the necessary steps to make them happen.  The fears you have deprive you of the focus you need to make your dreams come true. 

So how can you get ahead? Simple. Stop making excuses. The barricades blocking your blessings typically are not external factors; they're internal.  

For example, have you ever had a burning desire to do something, but didn't do it because you were afraid of what your friends or family would think about you after you done it?  Or have you ever talked yourself out of trying something new simply because you were scared you just might like it and everyone you know would think you were crazy or weird for doing so?  To that I say, 


What does that mean Jack? It means:
  1. Have the Courage to do something different by seeing and seizing what God has destined for you. (In your Career, Health, Finances or Relationship)
  2. Have the Conviction to believe in yourself and not who other people think or SAY you are.
  3. Have the Commitment to finish whatever you start without sabotaging your own success.

So the next time you have a random thought of what you should, would or could do, make sure you remember to stay out of your own way and don't talk yourself out of making it happen!  Make the hard decision to maximize all 86,400 seconds of every day God grants you to be here!  Keep investing wisely! 

Over the next week, apply the 3 steps I gave you to something you really want to do. 

Making Money Matters Manageable

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